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The Eldest Employees of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory" and Directors of the Managing Committee46 The Eldest Employees of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory" and Directors of the Managing Committee
From left to right are sitting: Petrov A.K., Zevakin A.I., Yakovlev I.Ya., Balin Vladimir Asigritovich, Balin Nikolai Asigritovich, Balin Valentin Asigritovich, Pashkov Ya.M., Zhukov N.I. Are standing: Tolmachev A.G., Gusev V.I., Ivanov I.I., Sokolov A.P., Kalabin I.I., Bychkov N.V., Zevakin G.I., Pereletov I.G., Zevakin V.I. Balin Nikolai Asigritovich - Councillor of State, Manufactory-Councillor, Member of the Council of Moscow Trade Bank, Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory", Member of the Council of Russian Mutual Insurance Union. Balin Vladimir Asigritovich - Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory", Director of the Association of Shuisko-Tezinskaya Manufactory. Balin Valentin Asigritovich - Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuz

Banza Konrad Karlovich (about 1832-1901)47 Banza Konrad Karlovich (about 1832-1901)
- Councillor of Commerce (1887), Joint Owner of the Firm "Vogau and Co" (Dry-Saltery), Founder and Director of the Printed Cotton Manufactory Association of Albert Gyubner, Director of the Managign Committee of the Riga Cement Works' Association and of the Oil-Mill of K.Kh.Shmidt, Director of the Manufactories' Association "Lyudvig Rabenek", Director of the Moscow Metal Plant's Association, Director of the Brass and Copper-Rolling Works' Association of Kolchugin, Director of the Beloretsk Iron Works' Joint-Stock Company of Pashkov, Director of the Soda Company in Russia "Lyubimov, Solve and Co", Director of the Reutovsrkaya Manufacto

The Eldest (from the Day of the Factory Foundation) Workers of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory" and Directors of the Managing Committee48 The Eldest (from the Day of the Factory Foundation) Workers of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory" and Directors of the Managing Committee
Are sitting: the 4th to the left - Balin Vladimir Asigritovich, the 5th to the left - Balin Nikolai Asigritovich, the 6th to the left - Balin Valentin Asigritovich - Directors of the Managing Committee of the Association. Balin Nikolai Asigritovich - Councillor of State, Manufactory-Councillor, Member of the Council of Moscow Trade Bank, Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory", Member of the Council of Russian Mutual Insurance Union. Balin Vladimir Asigritovich - Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory", Director of the Association of Shuisko-Tezinskaya Manufactory. Balin Valentin Asigritovich - Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuz

Alekseev Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1852-1893)49 Alekseev Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1852-1893)
- Director of the Managing Committee of the Commercial and Industrial Association "Vladimir Alekseev"(Spinning and Gold Thread Production), Director of the Cloth Manufactory in Pushkin, Director of the Association of Danilovskaya Worsted Spinning Mill in Moscow Uyezd, Moscow Mayor(1885-1893), Director of the Charitable Society attached to Myasnitskaya Hospital

Bakhrushin Dmitry Petrovich (1844-1918)50 Bakhrushin Dmitry Petrovich (1844-1918)
- Owner of the Cloth Factory of the "Association of Leather and Cloth Manufactories of Aleksei Bakhrushin's Sons", Member of Moscow City Duma, Member of the Moscow Office of the State Bank, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Cesarevitch Aleksei Moscow Commercial College for Boys, Chairman of the Trusteeship of the Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity in Kozhevniki. Photo of A.Eikhenvald. Moscow

Prove Ivan (Iogann) Karlovich (1833-1901)51 Prove Ivan (Iogann) Karlovich (1833-1901)
- Councillor of Commerce, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory (since 1883), Joint Owner of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop", Member of the Council of Moscow Merchant Bank, Member of the Council of Russian-Chinese Bank, Director of Moscow Company of Fire Insurance (1875-1901), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Emil Tsindel" (since 1874), Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Ass

San-Galli Robert Robertovich (1866-...)52 San-Galli Robert Robertovich (1866-...)
- Full Councillor of State, Official for Particular Commissions of Ministry of Finance, Member of the Managing Committees of: Russian Insurance Company "Pomoshch" ("Aid"), Russian Company of the Insurance of Capitals and Incomes "Zhizn" ("Life"), Company of Yu.A.Meller "Duks"(the Bicycles, Cars and Motorcycles Factory), Company of Demievskaya Factory of Chocolate and Sweets "Valentin Efimov"

Knop Andrei Lvovich, Baron (1855-...)53 Knop Andrei Lvovich, Baron (1855-...)
- Full Councillor of State (1912), Manager of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop" (1901-1916), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Emil Tsindel" (since 1901), Chairman of the Council of Moscow Discount Bank, Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Fibre"("Volokno")(Successor of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"), Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Council of Moscow Commercial Bank, Member of the Managing Committee of Andreevskoe Cotton-Industry Association, Member of the Managing Committee of Potelyakhovskoe Cotton-Industry Association, Member of the Managing Committee of the Joint-Stock Company of the Factory-Made Goods Home and Exp

Rotshtein Adolf Yulievich (1857-1904)54 Rotshtein Adolf Yulievich (1857-1904)
- Member of the Managing Committee and Director of St.Petersburg International Commercial Bank (1890-1904), Founder and Member of the Managing Committee of Russian-Chinese Bank (1896-1904), Assistant of Chairman of the Gartman Russian Company of Engineering Plants, Founder of Nikopol-Mariupol Mining and Smelting Company, Founder of the Company of Tula Copper-Rolling and Ammunition Factories

Balin Nikolai Asigritovich55 Balin Nikolai Asigritovich
- Councillor of State, Manufactory-Councillor, Member of the Council of Moscow Commercial Bank, Director of the Managing Committee of the Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory, Member of the Council of Moscow Mutual Insurance Union. "To the Jubilee of the Balin A.Ya. Association. 1886-1911"

Prove Rudolf (Roman) Ivanovich (1861-1939)56 Prove Rudolf (Roman) Ivanovich (1861-1939)
- Hereditary Freeman, Titular Councellor, Delegate of Moscow Exchange Company, Chairman of the Council of the Bank "I.V. Yunker and Co", Joint Owner of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop", Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Director of the Managing Committee of the Company of Bogorodsko-Glukhovskaya Manufactory, Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Sadkovskaya Manufactory of Ivan Demin (Cotton Mill in Moscow Province), Director of the Association of Cotton Manufactories A.Karetnikov's Son (Vladimir Province), Director of the Joint-Stock Company of Inspection and Organisation of Industial Enterprises in Russia (Exploring and Sale of Oil, Platinum, Gold, Copper and Coal). Illustration from the A

Knop Fedor Lvovich, Baron58 Knop Fedor Lvovich, Baron
- Member of the Council of Moscow Merchant Bank, Member of the Council of Moscow Private Commercial Bank, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of the Baranovs Manufactories, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Danilovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of the N.N.Konshin Manufactories, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, Member of the Association of Collieries and Chemic

The Eastern Room of the Skalkin Restaurant.59 The Eastern Room of the Skalkin Restaurant.
Furniture is Performed by the Smirmov V. Artistic Furniture Factory. Moscow. In Petrovsky Park(?)

Konshin Vladimir Dmitrievich (1824-1915)60 Konshin Vladimir Dmitrievich (1824-1915)
- Hereditary Nobleman, Councillor of Commerce, Founder and Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Kostromskaya Large Linen Manufactory, Successor of the Firm "Tretiyakov N. and S. Brothers and V.Konshin", Member of the Board of Trustees of the Commissar Technical College in Moscow

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