Result: 144 unique pages
31 Church of Ascension and Factories of the N.N.Konshin Manufactories' Association in Serpukhov
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
32 The Church Construction in the Karpova Estate Sushnevo in Vladimir Province
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
33 The Church of Lady of Vladimir and bell tower of the Church of St.John Chrysostom
Korovniki, Yaroslavl
Gallery: Old Russian Cities
34 Bakhrushin Dmitry Petrovich (1844-1918)
- Owner of the Cloth Factory of the "Association of Leather and Cloth Manufactories of Aleksei Bakhrushin's Sons", Member of Moscow City Duma, Member of the Moscow Office of the State Bank, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Cesarevitch Aleksei Moscow Commercial College for Boys, Chairman of the Trusteeship of the Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity in Kozhevniki. Photo of A.Eikhenvald. Moscow
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
35 Church of the Virgin Christmas, built by Stroganovs in 1719
Fragment of the West Facade
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
36 Profitable House of the Church of Saint Trinity which is in the Gryazi
Chistoprudny Boulevard in Moscow. Architect Vashkov S.I. Photo 1
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
37 Project of the Church attached to the Doctor Gaaz Municipal Asylum in Moscow. Western and Southern Fronts
Architect Shevyakov N.L.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
38 Tent-roof on the Dormition Refectory Church of the Saviour-Yevfimiev Monastery
Suzdal. XVI century
Gallery: Old Russian Cities
39 Hotel "Kontinental" in Theatre Square in Moscow
Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa(Friday) in Okhotnyi Ryad(Row)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
40 The Church of the Ascension in Rostov
Commissioned by Ivan the Terrible (sixteenth sentury) and built by his court architect, Andrei Maly
Gallery: Old Russian Cities
41 Profitable House of the Church of Saint Trinity which is in the Gryazi
Chistoprudny Boulevard in Moscow. Architect Vashkov S.I. Photo 2
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
42 Project of the Church attached to the Doctor Gaaz Municipal Asylum in Moscow. Southern Front
Architect Shevyakov N.L.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
43 The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit
Sergiev Posad, Trinity-St.Sergius Monastery
Gallery: Old Russian Cities
44 Church of St.Vasily the Confessor(Ispovednik) in Novaya Derevnya (New Village)(Kurskaya Kanava(Ditch) between Novaya and Prolomnaya Streets) in Moscow
Architect Popov A.P. Nosovikha Street. Built for the Bakhrushins' Means. Consecrated to God in 1897
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs