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Houses for Workers31 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Pressure-Water Building attached to the Employees' Dwelling Houses32 Pressure-Water Building attached to the Employees' Dwelling Houses
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

Soldatenkov Vasily Ivanovich, Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory33 Soldatenkov Vasily Ivanovich, Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Scene of the Plant Club34 Scene of the Plant Club
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

Scutchers' Section of the Spinning Mill35 Scutchers' Section of the Spinning Mill
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Warpers' Section of the Weaving Mill37 Warpers' Section of the Weaving Mill
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Houses for Workers38 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

The Chemistry Laboratory Building39 The Chemistry Laboratory Building
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

Pavilions in the Park: "Lyubvin and Co" and "Brokar and Co"40 Pavilions in the Park: "Lyubvin and Co" and "Brokar and Co"
Photo from the Album of the Artistic-Industrial Exhibition at Khodynskoe Pole(Field) in Moscow in 1882

General View of Blast Furnaces41 General View of Blast Furnaces
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

Old Factories and Electric Station42 Old Factories and Electric Station
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Pavilion of the Association "Bogdanov and Co"43 Pavilion of the Association "Bogdanov and Co"
Tobacco Factory in St. Petersburg (Kabinetskaya Street, 14) and Chain of Shops. Photo from the Album of the Artistic-Industrial Exhibition at Khodynskoe Pole(Field) in Moscow in 1882

Mules in the Spinning Workshop44 Mules in the Spinning Workshop
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Houses for Workers45 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

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