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Founders of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory16 Founders of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Founder and Director (1858-1862) of Moscow Company of Fire Insurance. Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich (1818-1901) - Councillor of Commerce, Member of the Council of Moscow Discount Bank, Founder of Volzhsko-K

House of Director's Assistants17 House of Director's Assistants
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Maternity Hospital18 Maternity Hospital
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Knop Fedor Lvovich, Baron19 Knop Fedor Lvovich, Baron
… anilovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of the N.N.Konshin Manufactories, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, Member of the Association of Collieries and Chemical Plants of R.Gill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Sadkovskaya Manufactory of I.Demin. Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

House for Masters20 House for Masters
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Houses for Workers21 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Soldatenkov Vasily Ivanovich, Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory22 Soldatenkov Vasily Ivanovich, Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Scutchers' Section of the Spinning Mill23 Scutchers' Section of the Spinning Mill
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Warpers' Section of the Weaving Mill24 Warpers' Section of the Weaving Mill
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Houses for Workers25 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Old Factories and Electric Station27 Old Factories and Electric Station
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Mules in the Spinning Workshop28 Mules in the Spinning Workshop
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Houses for Workers29 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

General View of the Out-Patients Department in a Hospital30 General View of the Out-Patients Department in a Hospital
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

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