Result: 6 unique pages
1 House of the Heirs of Prince Golitsin at the Corner of Kuznetsky Most and Bolshaya Lubyanka Streets.
Shop "Oboi"("Wall-Paper") of the Trading Firm "Rusakov A. and Co".
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
2 The House of the Heirs of Prince Golitsin at the Corner of Kuznetsky Most and Bolshaya Lubyanka Streets.
The Shop "Oboi" ("Wall-paper") of the Trading Firm "Rusakov A. and Co".
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 The Prince Golitsin Hairs Profitable House at the Corner of Kuznetsky Most and Bolshaya Lubyanka Streets.
The Shop "Oboi"("Wall-paper") of the Traiding Firm "Rusakov A. and Co".
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
5 Shop "Oboi"("Wall-Paper") of the Firm "Rusakov A. and Co".
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
[Related pages: 2]
6 Shop "Oboi"("Wall-paper") of the Trading Firm "Rusakov A. and Co"
Shop "Oboi"(Wall-paper") of the Trading Firm "Rusakov A. and Co"
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs