Result: 12 unique pages
1 "Ivan Ivanovich has got a ration..."
Poster of Artist Andreev M. 1923. (from picture-card)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
2 The Fortieth Anniversary of the Association of Movable Exhibitions
Group of artists: Zhukovsky S.Yu., Popov L.V., Makovsky V.E., Bryulov P.A.,
Moravov A.V., Bogdanov-Belsky N.P., Repin I.E., Kelin P.I., Dubovskoi N.N.,
Sureniyants N.Ya., Kuznetsov N.D., Volkov E.E., baron Klodt M.P.,
Byalynitsky-Birulya V.I., Baksheev V.N., Minchenkov Ya.D.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 Surikov Vasily Ivanovich, Artist, Member of the Association of Movable Artistic Exhibitions
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
4 Interior of the Association "Brokar and Co" Shop in Moscow (?)
Performed by Artist-Decorator Pemeller A.A.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
5 "Our Medical Orderlies on the Front Line"
Post-Card at the Time of the First World War. Drawing of Artist Aisit (?)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
6 Cover of the Gumilev N. Collection "Shater"("Marquee")
Book Drawing. Artist Kalmakov N.K.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
7 Cover of the Collection "Voina v Russkoi Poezii"("War in the Russian Poetry")
Book Drawing. Artist Kalmakov N.K.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
9 Sketch of the Appearance of a Popular Celebration
Artist Chekhov N.P. 1885. From Lithograph
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
10 Studio in the Meshcherins Estate Dugino
Artist's Model (a girl in peasant sarafan).
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
11 Fragment of the Cafe "Savoy" Interior at Sofiika Street in Moscow
Architect Visnevsky P.P. Painting of Artist Tomashko A.A.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
12 Unloading of a Sanitary Motor Car by the Hospital Entrance
Post-Card at the Time of the First World War. Drawing of an Unknown Artist
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs