Result: 10 unique pages
1 Strelskaya Varvara Vasilievna (1835-1915), Actress of Aleksandrinsky Theatre
Autograph: "...and to dear Vladimir Ivanovich as a good souvenir". Photographer of Imperial Theatres Fisher K.A.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 Ignaty (in the world Bryanchaninov Dmitry Aleksandrovich) (1807-1867)
- Theologian, Publicist, Member of Higher Orders of Clergy, Prior of Troitse-Sergieva Hermitage in St.Petersburg Province, since 1857 - Bishop of the Caucasus and Black Sea, since 1861 "retired" in Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery in Kostromskaya Eparchy. There is an Autograph on the Mat.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
4 Rein Georgy Ermolaevich (1852-...)
- Doctor, took part in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878, since 1883 - Professor of Kiev University, since 1900 - Professor of St.Petersburg Military and Medical Academy on the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Autograph
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
5 Kuznetsov Ivan Sergeevich, Architect
Photo of Tile R. Moscow. Autograph
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
6 Autograph of Samarin A.D. to his Niece Sofiya Feodorovna Samarina
On the Reverse of the Samarins A.D. and V.S. Portrait: "To Dear Sonya as a Souvenir from Uncle Sasha. 26.01.1903."
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
7 Reverse of the Sherer and Nabgolts Photo
Autograph of Barsov E.V. "To Precious Anna Timofeevna Karpova offers himself entirely Elpidifor Barsov. The 26th of December of 1896".
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
8 Kuznetsova M.N. in the role of Tatiyana ("Evgeny Onegin" of Chaikovsky P.I.)
Kuznetsova-Benua Mariya Nikolaevna(1880-1966), opera singer(soprano), soloist of Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. Photo with autograph.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
9 Trubetskoi G.N., Russian Envoy in Serbia.
An autograph, adressing to the Russian warriors, is reproduced:"Great love and great
anger will give victory to Russia".
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs