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The courtyard of the Pahlavan Mahmoud ensemble1 The courtyard of the Pahlavan Mahmoud ensemble
The darwazeh khaneh, built by Shah-Niyaz Khan in 1701

Our Lady of the Don (from the Dormition cathedral in Kolomna)2 Our Lady of the Don (from the Dormition cathedral in Kolomna)
The worship of the icon is connected with the campaigns of Ivan IV against the Tartar states and reminiscences of the victory over Tartars in the Battle of Kulikovo, on the river Don, in 1380. Tsar Ivan took the icon in his Kazan military expedition of 1552 and, after the victory, placed it in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin. In 1591, Tsar Fedor's prayer before it preceded the miraculous deliverance of Moscow from the troops of Khan Kazi Ghirei.

Summer mosque of the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah.3 Summer mosque of the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah.
Detail of the vaulting in the summer mosque of the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah (1651-52).

Vinter mosque of the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah4 Vinter mosque of the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah
Interior of the winter mosque of the Abdulaziz Khan madrasah (1651-52). Bukhara.

Winter mosque of the Abdullah Khan madrasah5 Winter mosque of the Abdullah Khan madrasah
Interior of the winter mosque of the Abdullah Khan madrasah (1588-90) in Bukhara.