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The Monuments and Millstones Shop of Kabanov D.I. Yushkov Lane, Crossing with Myasnitskaya Street.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
2 Church of Frol and Lavr in Myasniki
The Monuments and Mill-stones Shop of Kabanov D.I. Yushkov Lane.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 Yushkov Lane, Crossing with Myasnitskaya Street. The Church of Frol and Lavr.
The Monuments and Millstones Shop of Kabanov D.I. Yushkov Lane.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
4 The Monuments and Millstones Shop of Kabanov D.I.
The Monuments and Millstones Shop of Kabanov D.I.( Yushkov Lane ).
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs