Result: 11 unique pages
1 Oil Tankers of the Association "Nobel Bros" at the Landind Stage of Black Town (Chyornyi Gorodok) in Baku
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
2 Oil Production at the Oil Fields of the Association "Nobel Bros" in Baku
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 Nobel Robert Emanuilovich (1829-1896)
- Founder of the Nobels 1-st Oil Enterprise in Baku (1875), Owner of the Kerosene Plant in Black Town (Chyornyi Gorodok)(Baku), Founder and Shareholder of the Association "Nobel Bros"
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
5 Oil Tankers of the Association "Nobel Bros" at the Landind Stage of Black Town (Chyornyi Gorodok) in Baku
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
[Related pages: 3]
6 Oil Production at the Oil Fields of the Association "Nobel Bros" in Baku
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
[Related pages: 2]
7 Nobel R.E., Founder of the Nobels 1-st Oil Enterprise in Baku (1875), Founder and Shareholder of the Association "Nobel Bros"
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
[Related pages: 4]
9 Nobel Robert Emanuilovich, Founder of the Nobels 1-st Oil Enterprise in Baku, Founder and Shareholder of the Association "Nobel Bros"
- Founder of the Nobels 1-st Oil Enterprise in Baku (1875), Owner of the Kerosene Plant in Black Town (Chyornyi Gorodok)(Baku), Founder and Shareholder of the Association "Nobel Bros"
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs