Result: 24 unique pages
1 Stasov Vladimir Vasilievich (1824-1906), Critic of Arts and Music, Historian of Art, Honorary Member of the Imperial St.Petersburg Academy of Sciences
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 Procession of Their Imperial Majesties after the Holy Coronation from Uspensky Cathedral to the Palace
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
4 Telyakovsky Vladimir Arkadevich (1861-1924)
Director of Imperial Theatres (from 1898)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
5 Imperial Couple is Visiting the Association "Nobel Bros" Pavilion at the All-Russian Commercial and Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
6 Diploma of Awarding Architect Shekhtel F.O. the Title of Full Member of St.Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts. 1902.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
7 Kovalevsky Vladimir Ivanovich (1848-1934)
… ies Department, Assistant Minister of Finance (1900-1902), Chairman of the Preparation Commissions for Russian Departments at the World Exhibitions of 1893 in Chicago and of 1900 in Paris, Chairman of the Council of the Company of Swap Credit of Printing, Chairman of the Managing Committee of St.Petersburg Carriage-Building Plant, Member of the Managing Committee of the Company of Mechanical Plants "Bromlei Brothers", Member of the Managing Committee of Ural-Caspian Oil Company, Chairman of the Imperial Russian Technical Society (1906-1916)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
9 Lamansky Evgeny Ivanovich (1825 or 1826-1902)
- Privy Councillor, Corresponding Member of the Imperial St.Petersburg Academy of Sciences(1859), Assistant Manager(1860) and Manager of the State Bank(1867-1881), Member of the St.Petersburg City Duma(1882), Member of the Petergof Uyezd Zemstvo, Chairman of the Managing Committee of the St.Petersburg Company of Swap Credit(1864-1871), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Russian Bank for Foreign Trade(1871-1874), Chairman of the Council of Volzhsko-Kamsky Commercial Bank(1875-1901), Member of the Managing Committee of Beryozovskoe Gold-Mining C
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
10 Bakhrushin Aleksei Petrovich (1853-1904)
- Hereditary Freeman, Member-Contributor of the Imperial Historical
Society, Bibliophile and Collector, Trustee of the Andreevskaya Alms-House
of Moscow Merchant Society. Photo of Sherer and Nabgolts. Moscow
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
11 Mordvinov Nikolai Semyonovich(1754-1845), Count
- Admiral, Member of the State Council(1810-1838), Naval Minister(1802), President of the Imperial Free Economic Society(1823-1840), Founder of the 1-st Russian Fire Insurance Company(1827)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
12 Strelskaya Varvara Vasilievna (1835-1915), Actress of Aleksandrinsky Theatre
Autograph: "...and to dear Vladimir Ivanovich as a good souvenir". Photographer of Imperial Theatres Fisher K.A.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
13 The Altar Cross. The Kremlin Museum
It is the oldest extant Old Russian altar crosses used in the Exaltation liturgy, one of the altar crosses-reliquariues prototyped by the True Cross. The oldest of such Byzantine crosses, of 10th century, ascend to crosses worshipped by the Imperial court.
Gallery: Christian icon. Contents
14 Smirnov Vladimir Petrovich (1875-1934)
- Director of "Association of the Vodka Plant, Warehouses of Spirits, Russian and Foreign Wines of P.A. Smirnov in Moscow" (1897-1902), Director of "Firm P.A. Smirnov in Moscow" (1902-1905), Owner of Stud, Member of Moscow Imperial Society of the Trotting Horse-Breeding Encouragement, since 1920 was in Emigration, since 1923 - Owner (in Poland, and then in France) of "Firm Petr Smirnov's Sons" ("S-te Pierre Smirnoff F-ls")
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
15 Bakhrushin Aleksei Petrovich (1853-1904)
- Hereditary Freeman, Member-Contributor of the Imperial Historical Society, Bibliophile and Collector, Trustee of the Andreevskaya Alms-House of Moscow Merchant Society. Photo of Bulgak and Ovcharenko. Moscow
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs