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76 Building of the Merchant Assembly at Malaya Dmitrovka Street in Moscow
Architect Ivanov-Shits I.A.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
77 The Dumnov V. Private Residence in Malyi Kislovsky Lane in Moscow
Architect Shcheglov A.M
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
79 Front of the Electrotechnical Plant "N.K.Geisler and Co"
St.Petersburg, Adison Street. Architect Kriger R.I.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
80 Concert Pavilion "Krug"("Circle") in Park "Sokolniki"
Park "Sokolniki" in Moscow. Architect Chichagov D.N.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
81 The Exchange Building at Ilyinka Street
Moscow. Architect Kaminsky A.S. Photo 2.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
82 Non-Classical Secondary School in Bogorodsk in Moscow Province
Architect Karasev K.A. Observatory
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
85 House of the Society "Children's Labour and Rest"
Yard Front. Vadkovsky Lane. Moscow. Architect Zelenko A.U.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
86 Hotel and Restaurant "Slavyansky Bazar" at Nikolskaya Street in Moscow
Architect Gedike R.A. The Yudin Brothers Shop of Officer's Things. Bookshop "Jurisprudence". Shop of Shishkin (?) Gas Street-Lamp
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
87 Church of Georgy the Winner(Pobedonosets)
Wooden Temple of Georgy the Winner(Pobedonosetst) of Sumsky Hussar Regiment. Khamovniki Parade-Ground in Moscow. Architect Boni I.I.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
88 Mokhovaya Street in Moscow
View of the Temple of Christ the Saviour and the University Library Building
being under construction ( Architect Bykovsky K.M.)
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
89 Main House of the Morozov N.D. Estate "Liyalovo" in Moscow Province
Architect Kuznetsov A.V.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
90 The Managing Committee House of the Insurance Company "Russia" in St.Petersburg at Morskaya Street, 37
Architects Benua L.N., Levi Z.Ya.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs