Result: 48 unique pages
2 View of Nizhegorodskaya Street from the Figner Theatre in the Flood.
Shops of Smirnov P.A.( vodka ) and the Reddavei Company ( fire-hoses and tarpaulin ), a Chemist's Shop, Rooms (on the right).
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 View of Theatre Passage (Proezd) from Theatre Square to Lubyanskaya Square
Tram. The Khludov Heiresses House (Architect Kekushev L.N.) Association of the Russian and Foreign Goods Trade "Oborot"("Circulation")
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
5 Horse-Drawn Tram in Theatre Square in Moscow, against a Background of the Bolshoi Theatre.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
7 Deputations of Foremen of Volosts, Governors of Districts in Poland and Representatives of the Rural Population of the Empire's Remote Areas near the F.A.Korsh Theatre
during the Coronation Celebrations in Moscow in May of 1896
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
9 Chekhov A.P. is reading "Chaika" to the actors of Moscow Arts Theatre
On the photo: Nemirovich-Danchenko V.I., Raevskaya E.M., Vishnevsky A.L., Luzhsky V.V., Artem A.R., Knipper O.L., Stanislavsky K.S., Andreev A.I., Lilina M.P., Tikhomirov I.A., Grigorieva (Nikolaeva) M.P., Roksanova M.L., Meyerkhold V.E. Moscow
Public Arts Theatre. 1899
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
10 Bakhrushin Yury Alekseevich (1896-1973), Theatre Figure and Art Critic
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
11 Stanislavsky Konstantin Sergeevich (1863-1938), Actor and Director of Moscow Arts Theatre
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
12 Performance "Yudif" on the Stage of Preobrazhensky Theatre
24-th of November 1674 in Tsar Alexsei Mikhailovich Presence. From Engraving.
Illustrations from the book: Sinitsin P.V. Preobrazhenskoe M., 1895.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
13 Fedotova Glikeriya Nikolaevna (1846-1925), Actress of Malyi Theatre
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
14 Strelskaya Varvara Vasilievna (1835-1915), Actress of Aleksandrinsky Theatre
Autograph: "...and to dear Vladimir Ivanovich as a good souvenir". Photographer of Imperial Theatres Fisher K.A.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
15 The Curtain Sketch of Moscow Arts Theatre
Architect Shekhtel F.O. 1902.
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs