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Pavilion of the Life-Saving Service Society46 Pavilion of the Life-Saving Service Society
Photo from the Album of the Artistic-Industrial Exhibition at Khodynskoe Pole(Field) in Moscow in 1882

Shokros Vladimir Ivanovich, Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory47 Shokros Vladimir Ivanovich, Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Landing-Stage Kulga48 Landing-Stage Kulga
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Roman-Catholic Church49 Roman-Catholic Church
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

Music Hall50 Music Hall
Photo from the Album of the Artistic-Industrial Exhibition at Khodynskoe Pole(Field) in Moscow in 1882

Evangelical Aleksandrovskaya Church in Ioakhistal of Estlyandiya Province (now Estonia)51 Evangelical Aleksandrovskaya Church in Ioakhistal of Estlyandiya Province (now Estonia)
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Employees of the Maintenance Department52 Employees of the Maintenance Department
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Title-Page of the Album in the "Modern" Style53 Title-Page of the Album in the "Modern" Style
"Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Society". Edition of the Society. 1908.

Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Founder and Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory54 Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Founder and Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Directors of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory in 189555 Directors of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory in 1895
… the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Manufactories, founded by I.I.Skvortsov, Member of the Association of Collieries and Chemical Plants of R.Gill, Founder of the Charitable Society attached to Moscow Basmannaya Hospital. Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

The Plant College56 The Plant College
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

Imperial Pavilion from the Side of Highway57 Imperial Pavilion from the Side of Highway
Photo from the Album of the Artistic-Industrial Exhibition at Khodynskoe Pole(Field) in Moscow in 1882

Main Street in Krengolm of Estlyandiya Province (now Estonia)58 Main Street in Krengolm of Estlyandiya Province (now Estonia)
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Employees of the Technical Department and of the Main Office59 Employees of the Technical Department and of the Main Office
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Orthodox Church60 Orthodox Church
Illustration from the Album " Description of Dneprovsky Plant of the Southern-Russian Dneprovskoe Metallurgical Company". Edition of the Company. 1908.

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