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Bliokh Ivan Stanislavovich (1836-1901)1 Bliokh Ivan Stanislavovich (1836-1901)
- Councillor of Commerce, Full Councillor of State, Owner of a Bank in Warsaw, Founder of the Commercial Bank in Warsaw (1870) and of Warsaw Fire Insurance Company (1870), Member of the Council of Main Company of Russian Railways, Organizer and Chairman of the Managing Committee of the South-West Railways Company, Director of the Managing Committee of the Strakhovitskie Mining Works Company and of the Association of Zhitynsky Sugar Refinery, Author of Works in Economics of Railway Transport and Agriculture, Member of the Sientific Committee of Ministry of Finance

Count Uvarov Aleksei Sergeevich (1825-1884)2 Count Uvarov Aleksei Sergeevich (1825-1884)
- Archaeologist, Collector, Patron of Arts, Honorary Member (since 1857) of Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Founder of Moscow Archaelogical Society and Historical Museum

Shtiglits Lyudvig Ivanovich(1779-1843), Baron(1828)3 Shtiglits Lyudvig Ivanovich(1779-1843), Baron(1828)
- Owner of the Banking House in St.Petersburg, Founder of the 1-st Russian Fire Insurance Company(1827)

Bakhrushin Aleksei Fyodorovich (1792-1848) with his Wife Nataliya Ivanovna (1793-1862)4 Bakhrushin Aleksei Fyodorovich (1792-1848) with his Wife Nataliya Ivanovna (1793-1862)
Bakhrushin A.F. - from Zaraisk Merchants, Founder of the Leather Plant in Moscow, in Kozhevniki in 1834. Bakhrushina (born Potolovskaya) N.I. - from Zaraisk Merchant Family, since 1850 - Owner of the Leather Plant in Moscow

Mordvinov Nikolai Semyonovich(1754-1845), Count5 Mordvinov Nikolai Semyonovich(1754-1845), Count
- Admiral, Member of the State Council(1810-1838), Naval Minister(1802), President of the Imperial Free Economic Society(1823-1840), Founder of the 1-st Russian Fire Insurance Company(1827)

Bakhrushin Aleksei Fyodorovich (1792-1848)6 Bakhrushin Aleksei Fyodorovich (1792-1848)
- from Zaraisk Merchants, Founder of the Leather Plant in Moscow, in Kozhevniki in 1834.

Kronenberg Leopold (1812-1878)7 Kronenberg Leopold (1812-1878)
- Owner of the Banking House in Warsaw, Founder of the St.Petersburg Discount and Loan Bank(1869) and Commercial Bank in Warsaw(1870)

Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich with his Wife Vera Vasilievna8 Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich with his Wife Vera Vasilievna
Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich (1865-1929), Director of "Association of Leather and Cloth Manufactories of Aleksei Bakhrushin's Sons", Member of Moscow City Duma in 1901-1906, Famous Collector, Founder and since 1919 - Director of Moscow Theatre Museum, Head of Municipal Popular House at Vvedenskaya Street in Moscow, Trustee of the Bakhrushins Hospital, Charity House and Maternity Hospital. Bakhrushina Vera Vasilievna, born Nosova (1875-1942) - Wife of Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich, from the Family of Moscow Textile Manufacturers, Member of the Russian Theatre Society. Photo of Diyagovchenko I. Moscow

Merilese Archibald (1797-1877)9 Merilese Archibald (1797-1877)
- Founder of the Firm under his Name in St.Petersburg (1843), transformed in 1857 into the Firm "Mure and Merilese"

Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Founder and Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory10 Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Founder and Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

Gubkin Aleksei Semyonovich (1816-1883)11 Gubkin Aleksei Semyonovich (1816-1883)
- Founder and Owner of the Largest Tea Market Firm (later "Gubkin Aleksei's Successor A.Kuznetsov and Co" in Moscow), from 1872 to 1883 - Member of Kungurskaya Town Duma (Perm Province), Founder of "Elizavetinsky Poor-House for Children in Kungur"

Konshin Vladimir Dmitrievich (1824-1915)12 Konshin Vladimir Dmitrievich (1824-1915)
- Hereditary Nobleman, Councillor of Commerce, Founder and Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Kostromskaya Large Linen Manufactory, Successor of the Firm "Tretiyakov N. and S. Brothers and V.Konshin", Member of the Board of Trustees of the Commissar Technical College in Moscow

Rotshtein Adolf Yulievich (1857-1904)13 Rotshtein Adolf Yulievich (1857-1904)
- Member of the Managing Committee and Director of St.Petersburg International Commercial Bank (1890-1904), Founder and Member of the Managing Committee of Russian-Chinese Bank (1896-1904), Assistant of Chairman of the Gartman Russian Company of Engineering Plants, Founder of Nikopol-Mariupol Mining and Smelting Company, Founder of the Company of Tula Copper-Rolling and Ammunition Factories

Konshin Nikolai Nikolaevich (1831-1920s)14 Konshin Nikolai Nikolaevich (1831-1920s)
- Founder and Owner of the N.N.Konshin Manufactories' Association in Serpukhov with his Wife Olga Nikolaevna (born Dobrynina)

Directors of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory in 189515 Directors of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory in 1895
Are standing, to the left: Shokros Vladimir Ivanovich, Gan Adolf Fedorovich. Are sitting, to the left: Prove Ivan Karlovich, Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich and Baron Knop Andrei Lvovich. Prove Ivan (Iogann) Karlovich (1833-1901) - Councillor of Commerce, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory (since 1883), Joint Owner of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop", Member of the Council of Moscow Merchant Bank, Member of the Council of Russian-Chinese Bank, Director of Moscow Company of Fire Insurance (1875-1901), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Emil Tsindel" (since 1874), Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufact

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