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Knop Andrei Lvovich, Baron (1855-...)1 Knop Andrei Lvovich, Baron (1855-...)
- Full Councillor of State (1912), Manager of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop" (1901-1916), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Emil Tsindel" (since 1901), Chairman of the Council of Moscow Discount Bank, Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Fibre"("Volokno")(Successor of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"), Director of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, Director of the Managing Committee of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Council of Moscow Commercial Bank, Member of the Managing Committee of Andreevskoe Cotton-Industry Association, Member of the Managing Committee of Potelyakhovskoe Cotton-Industry Association, Member of the Managing Committee of the Joint-Stock Company of the Factory-Made Goods Home and Export Trade, Member of the Council of Moscow Private Commercial Bank, Member of the Managing C …

Founders of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory2 Founders of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

Knop Fedor Lvovich, Baron3 Knop Fedor Lvovich, Baron
- Member of the Council of Moscow Merchant Bank, Member of the Council of Moscow Private Commercial Bank, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of the Baranovs Manufactories, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Danilovskaya Manufactory, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of the N.N.Konshin Manufactories, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, the Managing Committee of the Association of Voznesenskaya Manufactory of S.Lepeshkin's Sons, Member of the Association of Collieries and Chemical Plants of R.Gill, Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of Sadkovskaya Manufactory of I.Demin. Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth An …

The Fortieth Anniversary of the Association of Movable Exhibitions4 The Fortieth Anniversary of the Association of Movable Exhibitions
Group of artists: Zhukovsky S.Yu., Popov L.V., Makovsky V.E., Bryulov P.A., Moravov A.V., Bogdanov-Belsky N.P., Repin I.E., Kelin P.I., Dubovskoi N.N., Sureniyants N.Ya., Kuznetsov N.D., Volkov E.E., baron Klodt M.P., Byalynitsky-Birulya V.I., Baksheev V.N., Minchenkov Ya.D.

Representatives of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Dukedom with the Retinue at the Coronation Celebrations of 1896 in Moscow5 Representatives of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Dukedom with the Retinue at the Coronation Celebrations of 1896 in Moscow
Are standing, to the left: Captain Dombrovsky, Staff-Captain Baron Korf, Full Councillor of State Andreevsky, Secretary fon-Zervald, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Adolf, Colonel Baron Malttsan, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Fridrikh-Vilgelm, Captain of Cavalry Zamyatin, Chief-Marshal fon-Girshfeldt. Are sitting, to the left: Lady-in-Waiting Baroness Malttsan, Grand Princess Anastasiya Mikhailovna, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Representatives of the Hessian Dukedom with the Retinue at the Coronation Celebrations of 1896 in Moscow6 Representatives of the Hessian Dukedom with the Retinue at the Coronation Celebrations of 1896 in Moscow
Are standing: Second Lieutenant Evreinov, Chamberlain fon-Frankenberg-Lyudvigsdorf, Aide-de-Camp to the King Count Vorontsov-Dashkov, Aide-de-Camp to the King Baron fon-Senarkhlens-Gransi, Chief-Equerry Baron Redezel-tsu-Eizenbakh, Aide-de-Camp to the King Baron Reder fon-Dirsburg. Are sitting: Master of Hounds Count Lamsdorf, Hessian Grand Duke Ernest, General of Cavalry Count Olsufiev, Chief-Marshal Adjutant General Vesterveller fon-Antoni

Shtiglits Lyudvig Ivanovich(1779-1843), Baron(1828)7 Shtiglits Lyudvig Ivanovich(1779-1843), Baron(1828)
- Owner of the Banking House in St.Petersburg, Founder of the 1-st Russian Fire Insurance Company(1827)

Directors of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory in 18958 Directors of the Manging Committee of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory in 1895
Are standing, to the left: Shokros Vladimir Ivanovich, Gan Adolf Fedorovich. Are sitting, to the left: Prove Ivan Karlovich, Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich and Baron Knop Andrei Lvovich. Prove Ivan (Iogann) Karlovich (1833-1901) - Councillor of Commerce, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory (since 1883), Joint Owner of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop", Member of the Council of Moscow Merchant Bank, Member of the Council of Russian-Chinese Bank, Director of Moscow Company of Fire Insurance (1875-1901), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Emil Tsindel" (since 1874), Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of

9 Soldatenkov K.T., Publisher (Publishing House of K.T.Soldatenkov)
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

10 Soldatenkov K.T., Full Member of Imperial Academy of Arts
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

11 Khludov A.I., Member of Moscow Commercial Court
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

13 Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Chairman of Moscow Department of the Council of Trade and Manufactories (1862)
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

15 Prove I.K., Joint Owner of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"
Are standing, to the left: Shokros Vladimir Ivanovich, Gan Adolf Fedorovich. Are sitting, to the left: Prove Ivan Karlovich, Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich and Baron Knop Andrei Lvovich. Prove Ivan (Iogann) Karlovich (1833-1901) - Councillor of Commerce, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory (since 1883), Joint Owner of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop", Member of the Council of Moscow Merchant Bank, Member of the Council of Russian-Chinese Bank, Director of Moscow Society of Fire Insurance (1875-1901), Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Association "Emil Tsindel" (since 1874), Member of the Managing Committee of the Association of

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