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Master's Flat for the Apprentices of the Watches and Clocks Workshop of V.Platov in Sharapov1 Master's Flat for the Apprentices of the Watches and Clocks Workshop of V.Platov in Sharapov
From the Book: Kurskaya A.S. The Watches and Clocks Production in Moscow and Moscow Province. M., 1914

Bakhrushin Konstantin Petrovich (1856-1938)2 Bakhrushin Konstantin Petrovich (1856-1938)
- Member of Moscow City Duma, Member of the Council of Moscow Discount Bank, Member of the Committee of Moscow Cattle and Meat Exchange, Member of Moscow Society of Spreading of Commercial Education, Chairman and Trustee of the Bakhrushins Brothers House of Rent-Free Flats at Sofiiskaya Quay in Moscow, Member of the Council of Russian Mutual Insurance Union, Senior Man of the Church of St. Nikolai the Wonder-Worker in Kuznetsy in Moscow, Trustee of the Bakhrushins Brothers Municipal Handicraft College, Joint Owner of Theatre "Aquarium" in Moscow

Bakhrushin Vasily Alekseevich (1832-1906)3 Bakhrushin Vasily Alekseevich (1832-1906)
- Hereditary Freeman, Director of the "Association of Leather and Cloth Manufactories of Aleksei Bakhrushin's Sons", Member of Moscow City Duma (1877-1906), Delegate of Moscow Exchange Company, Cairman of the Board of the Bakhrushins Brothers Hospital, Charity House and Maternity Hospital, Trustee of the Board of the Bakhrushins Brothers Municipal Orphan Home in Sokolniki and the Bakhrushins Brothers House of Rent-Free Flats at Sofiiskaya Quay in Moscow

Woman kneadling dough to make flat cakes.4 Woman kneadling dough to make flat cakes.
The loaves are baked in special ovens called tanurs.

The Solodovnikov G.G. Town House of Cheap Flats at the 2-nd Meshchanskaya Street.6 The Solodovnikov G.G. Town House of Cheap Flats at the 2-nd Meshchanskaya Street.
General View. Moscow. Architects Bardt T.Ya. and Peretyatkovich M.M. (from graphic image).

Flat of Watchmakers in Sharapov, Zvenigorodsky Uyezd8 Flat of Watchmakers in Sharapov, Zvenigorodsky Uyezd
From the Book: Kurskaya A.S. The Watches and Clocks Production in Moscow and Moscow Province. M., 1914