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From left to right are sitting: Petrov A.K., Zevakin A.I., Yakovlev I.Ya., Balin Vladimir Asigritovich, Balin Nikolai Asigritovich, Balin Valentin Asigritovich, Pashkov Ya.M., Zhukov N.I.
Are standing: Tolmachev A.G., Gusev V.I., Ivanov I.I., Sokolov A.P., Kalabin I.I., Bychkov N.V., Zevakin G.I., Pereletov I.G., Zevakin V.I.
Balin Nikolai Asigritovich - Councillor of State, Manufactory-Councillor, Member of the Council of Moscow Trade Bank, Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory", Member of the Council of Russian Mutual Insurance Union.
Balin Vladimir Asigritovich - Director of the Managing Committee of "The Balin A.Ya. Association of Yuzhskaya Manufactory", Director of the Association of Shuisko-Tezinsk
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs