This icon of Rzhev is a copy of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Okovets and Rzhev, which appeared on Whit-Monday, May 26, 1539, on the deserted site in the Okovets district near Rzhev (the Tver gubernia). The Rzhev icon was ceremoniously brought to Moscow in January 1540 to be taken back July 11 in a procession seen off by all the Moscow clergy led by the Metropolitan, the Granf Prince and the noblemen. The day was later appointed in commemoration of the icon.
The icon represents the Odigitria type. The chestlength figure of the Virgin is close to the iconography of Our Lady of Kazan, though here the Child is wrapped in Her maphorion, and St. Nicolas is to Her left. First quarter of 19th C., Moscow |