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Photo Art. Boris Busygin
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Kleinmikhel Petr Andreevich (1793-1869), Count
- Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor Aleksandr I (1814), Adjutant General (1826), Infantry General (1841), Member of the State Council (1842), Chief Manager of Railways and Public Buildings (1842-1855), Chairman of the Committee of Telegraphic Communication between St.Petersburg and Warsaw (1834), Director of the Department of Military Settlements and of the Inspector's Department of Ministry of Defence (1835)
 Russian Empire in Photographs
Army. Navy. Wars. (34)
  Ministry of Defence  (7)  Look Gallery
  Naval Ministry  (2)
  Military Colleges  (3)
  Land and Naval Military Formations and Units  (1)
  Parades  (2)
  Air Force  (3)
  Crimean War of 1853-1856  (3)
  Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878  (3)
  The First World War of 1914-1918  (11)
  Aviators  (1)
  Military and Naval Clergy
  Imperial Retinue  (5)
  Building of the Artillery Officer Assembly in Novgorod
  Church of Georgy the Winner (Pobedonosets) of Sumsky Hussar Regiment in Moscow