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Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich (1865-1929)46 Bakhrushin Aleksei Aleksandrovich (1865-1929)
- Director of "Association of Leather and Cloth Manufactories of Aleksei Bakhrushin's Sons", Member of Moscow City Duma in 1901-1906, Famous Collector, Founder and since 1919 - Director of Moscow Theatre Museum, Head of Municipal Popular House at Vvedenskaya Street in Moscow, Trustee of the Bakhrushins Brothers Hospital, Charity House and Maternity Hospital in Sokolniki

House for Employees at the Manufactory of the Association "Emil Tsindel" in Moscow47 House for Employees at the Manufactory of the Association "Emil Tsindel" in Moscow
Photo of O.Renar. Illustration from the Book "Silver Jubillee of the Association of the Print Manufactory "Emil Tsindel" in Moscow. 1874-1899" Moscow. 1899

Profitable House of the Church of Saint Trinity which is in the Gryazi48 Profitable House of the Church of Saint Trinity which is in the Gryazi
Chistoprudny Boulevard in Moscow. Architect Vashkov S.I. Photo 2

Bakhrushin Vasily Alekseevich (1832-1906)53 Bakhrushin Vasily Alekseevich (1832-1906)
- Hereditary Freeman, Director of the "Association of Leather and Cloth Manufactories of Aleksei Bakhrushin's Sons", Member of Moscow City Duma (1877-1906), Delegate of Moscow Exchange Company, Cairman of the Board of the Bakhrushins Brothers Hospital, Charity House and Maternity Hospital, Trustee of the Board of the Bakhrushins Brothers Municipal Orphan Home in Sokolniki and the Bakhrushins Brothers House of Rent-Free Flats at Sofiiskaya Quay in Moscow

Houses for Workers55 Houses for Workers
Illustration from the Album "Krengolmskaya Manufactory. Historic Description, composed on the Occasion of Fiftieth Anniversary of its Existence". St.Petersburg. 1907

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