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22 Khludov A.I., Foreman of Moscow Merchant Estate
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

24 Soldatenkov K.T., Honorary Member of the Council of Moscow Commercial College
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

26 Soldatenkov K.T., Contributor of his Collection of Paintings and his Library to Rumyantsevsky Museum in Moscow ("Soldatenkovskaya Gallery")
Are standing, to the left: Kolbe Ernest Fedorovich, Khludov Aleksei Ivanovich, Khludov Gerasim Ivanovich. Are sitting, to the left: Soldatenkov Kozma Terentievich, Baron Knop Lev Gerasimovich, Barlov Richard Vasilievich. Knop Lev Gerasimovich (Lyudvig Iokhan), Baron (1821-1894) - Moscow Merchant of the 1-st Guild, Founder of the Association of Krengolmskaya Manufactory, Founder of the Firm "Lyudvig Knop"(Construction and Equipping of Textile Factories, Cotton Market), Founder of the Association of Ekateringofskaya Cotton Mill (Village Vladykino in Petergofsky District of St.Petersburg), Founder of the Association of Izmailovskaya Manufactory, Found

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