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"Ivan Ivanovich has got a ration..."1 "Ivan Ivanovich has got a ration..."
Poster of Artist Andreev M. 1923. (from picture-card)

2 Chekhov A.P. is reading "Chaika"
On the photo: Nemirovich-Danchenko V.I., Raevskaya E.M., Vishnevsky A.L., Luzhsky V.V., Artem A.R., Knipper O.L., Stanislavsky K.S., Andreev A.I., Lilina M.P., Tikhomirov I.A., Grigorieva (Nikolaeva) M.P., Roksanova M.L., Meyerkhold V.E. Moscow Public Arts Theatre. 1899

4 "Ivan Ivanovich has got a ration..."
Poster of Artist Andreev M. 1923. (from picture-card)