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Monument to Skobelev M.D. in Skobelevskaya Square in Moscow1 Monument to Skobelev M.D. in Skobelevskaya Square in Moscow
Sculptor Samonov P.A. The Vargin House. óonfectionery of Siu. Big Tverskaya Chemist's Shop. Shop of the Firm "P.A. Smirnov". Tobacco and Cigars of I.S. Sakischi. Photo of Eikhenvald A. Moscow

Protopopova (born Bakhrushina) Klavdiya Aleksandrovna (1855-1909)3 Protopopova (born Bakhrushina) Klavdiya Aleksandrovna (1855-1909)
- Daughter of Aleksandr Alekseevich Bakhrushin, Wife of Nikolai Alekseevich Protopopov. Photo of Eikhenvald A. Moscow