Result: 5 unique pages
1 View of Moscow Kremlin from the Gates of Kokorevskoe Coaching Inn (Podvorie)
Photo of Orlov P.V. Moscow
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
2 Hotel and Restaurant "Slavyansky Bazar" at Nikolskaya Street in Moscow
Architect Gedike R.A. The Yudin Brothers Shop of Officer's Things. Bookshop "Jurisprudence". Shop of Shishkin (?) Gas Street-Lamp
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
3 The Naidyonov A.A. House at Pokrovsky Boulevard in Moscow
Fragment of the Boulevard and a Street-Lamp
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs
4 Deputations of Foremen of Volosts, Governors of Districts in Poland and Representatives of the Rural Population of the Empire's Remote Areas near the F.A.Korsh Theatre
during the Coronation Celebrations in Moscow in May of 1896
Gallery: Russian Empire in photographs