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Morozova Mariya Fedorovna, born Simonova (1830-1911)1 Morozova Mariya Fedorovna, born Simonova (1830-1911)
- Wife of Timofei Savvich Morozov, after his Death, since 1889 - Cairwoman of the Managing Committee of the Association of Nikolskaya Manufactory, Honorary Member of the Society of Welfare to the Needy Students of the Imperial Moscow Technical College, Member of the Petersburg Slavic Charitable Society, Member of the Trusteeship about the Poor of Myasnitskaya Part of the 1-st District, Honorary Trustee of Simonovskaya Alms-House, Honorary Member of the Trusteeship of Orphanages in Vladimir Province, Great Benefactress to Rogozhskaya Old Believers' Community

The Church of Frol and Lavr in Myasniki.2 The Church of Frol and Lavr in Myasniki.
The Monuments and Millstones Shop of Kabanov D.I. Yushkov Lane, Crossing with Myasnitskaya Street.

Alekseev Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1852-1893)4 Alekseev Nikolai Aleksandrovich (1852-1893)
- Director of the Managing Committee of the Commercial and Industrial Association "Vladimir Alekseev"(Spinning and Gold Thread Production), Director of the Cloth Manufactory in Pushkin, Director of the Association of Danilovskaya Worsted Spinning Mill in Moscow Uyezd, Moscow Mayor(1885-1893), Director of the Charitable Society attached to Myasnitskaya Hospital