Cristian IconOther collections:: Makhail Bulgakov
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Photo Art. Boris Busygin
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 Cristian Icon
The New Testament cycle (36)
  the Annunciation  (7)  Look Gallery
  the Ascension  (4)
  the Raising of Lasarus
  Entry into Jerusalem
  The Women at the Tomb  (1)
  The Massacre of the Innocents
  the Baptism of Christ
  Threnos (Lamentation of Christ)  (1)  Look Gallery
  Adoration of Mages
  the Transfiguration  (2)
  the Crucifixion  (8)  Look Gallery
  the Nativity of Christ  (5)
  The Descent from the Cross
  the Anastasis - the Descent into Hell  (1)
  Pentecost-the Descent of Holy Spirit  (1)
  The Presentation of Christ in the Temple  (5)
  The Last Supper  (5)  Look Gallery
  Dormition  (5) ©1997-2024Design by Monahov Oleg