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Christian icon. Contents (228)
  The New Testament, Byzantine and Greek Relics in Old Rus  (23)
  Christ  (27)
  The Virgin  (57)
  John the Baptist (the Forerunner)  (12)
  The Old Testament cycle
  the Mariological cycle  (4)
  The New Testament cycle  (36)
  Symbolic compositions  (16)
  Deesis  (4)
  Communion of the Apostles
  the Lamb
  Adoration of the Lamb  (1)
  Celestial Liturgy  (5)
  the Last Judgement  (2)
  the Trinity (Holy Trinity)
  the Angels  (2)
  The Old Testament's Forefathers and Patriarches  (2)
  the Prophets  (5)
  Apostles and Evangelists  (5)
  Holy Bishops (Episkopos)  (12)
  Saints Deacons  (1)
  Saint Warriors  (11)
  Other Saints  (7)
  Non-anthropomorphical christian symbols  (1)
  Emperor in Byzantine Art  (21) ©1997-2024Design by Monahov Oleg