Russian Empire in PhotographsOther collections:: The Loganberry Gallery
Photo Art. Boris Busygin
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 Russian Empire in PhotographsFactory IndustryCotton Processing
Association of the Krengolmskaya Manufactory of Cotton Ware (38)
  Temple of the Resurrection of Christ in Ioakhimstal  Look Gallery
  Evangelical Aleksandrovskaya Church in Ioakhimstal
  Water-Tower, Metalworker's and Joiner's Shops  Look Gallery
  Monument to Knop L.G. and Director's House  Look Gallery
  Director's House  Look Gallery
  House of Director's Assistants
  House for Masters  Look Gallery
  Mules in the Spinning Workshop
  Ring Spinning-Machines
  New Factory
  Alish P.V., Architect of Krengolmskaya Manufactory
  Hospital Laundry  Look Gallery